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What is a Policy Paper?


A policy paper is a decision-making tool that defines an urgent policy issue, analyzes it, and develops a defensible plan or policy proposal.

Differences from Standard Research Papers

Policy papers differ from standard research papers in several respects:

  • Audience: Policy papers are typically addressed to a non-academic audience, such as policymakers, stakeholders, or the general public.
  • Structure: Policy papers usually follow a specific structure that includes an introduction, problem statement, analysis, policy proposal, and conclusion.
  • Length: Policy papers are typically longer than standard research papers, ranging from 10 to 30 pages or more.
  • Format: Most policy papers are written in the form of a white paper, which is a persuasive document that outlines a specific issue and proposes a solution.

Workshop Details

This workshop will provide participants with the basic strategies, mechanics, and structure of longer policy papers. It will cover topics such as:

  • Identifying and defining policy issues
  • Conducting research and analysis
  • Developing policy proposals
  • Writing and formatting policy papers

By the end of the workshop, participants will have a strong foundation in the principles and practices of policy paper writing.
